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Unbreakable Bonds Part 1: Introduction to Page 5

  Chapter 15

  For a while Rocky had totally avoided Lt. Johnson.  If she was going to move on then she needed to ensure that a physical distance was kept between them, because her attraction to him felt so strong.  So she walked totally out of the way when she needed to tinkle and refresh.  But one day her strength was put to the test as she walked through the hallway and she heard a random female airman say to the lieutenant:

   “Heeey Lt. Johnson.” And the girl’s flirtatious tone grinded the hell out of Rocky’s gears.

   Curious to put a face to the flirty voice, Rocky went to scope the chick out, of course with very critical lenses, because anything else would just have not been Rocky.  She did an about face and made a sharp right to make her way towards the girl’s desk to get more than the side view she was afforded before.  With envy clearly clouding her judgment, she quickly sized the girl up.  She was a chocolate girl with light eyes that slanted a little deeper than her eyes did.  She had deep dimples imprinted into her cheeks every time she flashed the lieutenant her cheeky smile.  And she had a heavy down south accent, similar to Tori’s, Rocky recognized.  

  After briefly studying the girl, from her head to her toes, Rocky thoughts were of course, She ain’t got nothing on me.  Despite the cute grin and dimples the girl’s hair was a pitiful mess in Rocky’s opinion.  The poor thing had tried to pull her pitiful strands back into a low sitting pony tail but it was definitely a struggle, as fly-away and choppy pieces formed an impromptu mound in the top of her head, whereas the rest of the pieces looked to have glided back with ease.  Rocky had to find something to laugh or crack on about the girl, so her hair was it.  

  He can't be serious with lil Miss Snatchback.  She ain’t even cute,  Rocky thought while watching the two of them chat it up.   Her eyes rolled uncontrollably as she tried to convince herself that it was disgust and not jealousy she was feeling about the girl and “her relationship” with the lieutenant.

  Enraged, she tore herself away from staring at them and walked on to another office.   On her way back when she again passed by, the lieutenant had parked at Snatchback’s desk and she heard them teehee-heeing and talking and that made her grow from enraged to downright livid.  Like a pouty child forced to share a toy she wanted to herself, she stormed back to her desk, her heels stomping and singing angry thuds which each step she took.  She tried to convince herself that she didn’t care, so she jumped back into her work.   But it was really no use, because she could not focus on any work related tasks as thoughts of the lieutenant and Snatchback plagued her mind.  As stupid as it was, Rocky had gotten insanely jealous over a man that didn’t even belong to her.  She’d tried to shake it off, but she couldn’t.  It made her angry to think that he’d moved on and now the other chick was probably making sneak trips to his office and getting it in with him like she should have been.  


  Not this time, Rocky told herself and she set off make a voyage towards the old bathroom, she’d avoided.  When she got to his office, the door was closed and her mind ran wild thinking what may have been going on, on the other side.  She put her hands on the door ready to storm in and catch them in the act, but before she went through with it, her logic reigned, defeated her emotion, and she walked on to the restroom.  

  “Why am I tripping over this dude”, she said out loud to herself while staring angrily into the mirror contemplating what to do next.  Shaking her feelings for him seemed impossible.  And the only way she could get resolve in her mind was to satisfy the sexual curiosity he’d piqued in her.  As her deliberation on what to do next was underway, the door swung open and again appeared the same female officer as before.   Before going into a stall she gave Rocky a glare of slight concern, but it was annoyance that seemed to have dominated her emotions as she looked on at the young girl.  Rocky hurried up and left out.  She didn’t want the officer’s irritation to turn into an interrogation with questions she did not want to be forced to answer.  So she took flight and headed back towards her desk.  As soon as she rounded the corner, she bumped dead smack into Lt. Johnson.  

  “Hey Airman Richard, how are you”, he asked.  And he used a stern tone with her when he spoke, very unlike their normal interactions.

  “I’m fine sir, thank you”, she responded, attempting to reciprocate the professional vibe he was giving her.

  They both side stepped and moved from one another’s paths and he went on into his office and closed the door.  Rocky’s heart sank.  She interpreted his professional demeanor as cold and short, and she couldn't believe he was being that way with her.  She wanted to move past her feelings, since it appeared that he had, but she just couldn’t.   So after just making it three paces beyond his door, slowly she turned around and lightly tapped on the door to his office.

  “It’s open.  Come on in”, he replied from the other side.

  When she walked in she tried to gather herself and not sound like an emotional lunatic.  She sighed and said, “How have you been sir?  I was just wondering did you ever make it out to that place in Suitland yet for the gumbo?”

  “No, not yet”, he responded.  And Rocky thought his words and aura were still icy.

  “Oh, well did your wife make you some”, she said with a heavy emphasis on the word wife.  She wore a smirk with a suspicious raised brow and then she paused before adding,  “Or maybe Airman Davis?” (AKA Miss Snatchback)

  “Whoa, whoa”, he laughed.  “You just jumped right in there, huh?  Yea I’m married, that’s no secret”, he said and pointed to his ring with one hand while he held up the other hand with his ring finger extended.  

  Rocky felt foolish.  She thought she was stinging him, but it was her who was stung and feeling stupid.  How could I have missed that, she chastised herself.  And then her eyes darted to his desk where there were also other indicators of his union as she eyed pictures sitting right on display.  Always so inebriated by lust in his office, she'd missed the obvious right in her face.

  “Are you implying that I’m sleeping with Airman Davis though, just because you saw me talking to her?  What, you think I’m just knocking down every airman in headquarters?  Is that what you think?  I need pussy that bad, that I’m just chasing every female airman I see.”  

  Rocky merely rolled her eyes and gave an unsure shrug.

  “What happened between us was something I’ve never done in all my life.  I’ve never cheated on my wife.  My first day on the base when I came in this building, I saw you walking down the halls.  I watched you walk past my office for days before I said anything.  I’m a man, so yeah, I thought you were pretty, but I just wanted to know your name and introduce myself.  I didn’t know you were from the N-O until you told me that Creole pronunciation.  So I just teased you about some gumbo, cause I figured you knew that or some curry joint.  You got me riled up, talking about gumbo at your spot though.   Like I said I’m a man.  I’m an officer. True. I’m married.  True, but I’m a man.  Me and my wife been having problems for a while now and someone sexy like you saying come to your crib was a little enticing”, he admitted.  

  And Rocky gave no response.  She just listened and held back a proud grin and tried to look serious.

  “You know how hard it’s been on me these past weeks?  You avoiding me.  I didn’t see you strutting past my office in those heels with those pretty legs and that smile.”

   Rocky nearly combusted trying to contain her smile at that point.  She had great constraint of her facial muscles but her eyes told the secret that she tried so hard to hide.

  “It’s all good though, we needed to stop, I’m glad you’re a strong woman.  I respect the hell out of you for that.”  

  Rocky listened with her ears and mind but it was her panties that got the message.  Despite all of the red flags, the ring, and the pictures on his desk, she still wanted to throw them to the side and let him throw her panties to the side.  

��So I guess we’ll leave it alone then”, she finally spoke, but was she was really fishing for him to object and plead with her.

  He didn’t respond.  

  So Rocky dragged her farewell on, speaking with a voice of uncertainty, “I’ll see you around, sir.”

  She was still hopeful that he would make some kind of objection but his lips remained closed.  Unsatisfied and disappointed, she got up from her chair to leave.

  As she rose, he came from behind his desk to meet her at the door.  He grabbed her hand before she could leave, saying, “At least grace me with your presence every now and then.  You don’t have to avoid me.  I don’t bite.  I’m cool.”  And he stared into Rocky's eyes.

  His intense stare matched her intense attraction to him.  Her heartbeat and mind were racing. She threw every caution and inhibition completely out of her mind, grabbed his hand, and pulled his body close to hers and she kissed him.  The moment her lips touched his, she thought that nothing else in a long time had felt so thrilling.  She’d wanted him from the first time she saw him in his office and the twists and turns and discoveries only seemed to build her anticipation and desire. And this time nothing was stopping her.  If he didn’t stop, she sure as hell wasn’t she’d decided.  

  In a flash, her shirt was unbuttoned, her skirt up to her stomach and his hands gripped her thighs through her flesh tone hose, tearing them.  She couldn’t think about how wrong it was or she didn’t care, because it felt so good.  She wanted him and he wanted her.  So right there in his office, not on his desk, but up against the door, his pants down to his ankles, her skirt pulled up and undergarments down on the floor with one side around one of her black Enzo patent leather pumps, it happened.  They ravaged one another.  As he thrust into her body, and his breath fanned her neck, Rocky stared at his desk where his pictures of his wife and kids rested with the biggest grin on her face.   As he whispered lustful oohs and aahhs into her ears, talking dirty to her about how bad he’d wanted her and how beautiful she was, her ego floated off to cloud nine.  The heat of the moment was so carnal and felt like the wildest sex she’d ever had.  It was like their attraction was so strong they couldn’t control themselves.  Her mind was completely gone as she listened to the song of his belt buckle nicking the floor, while the rhythm of their bodies knocking against the door sounded like the beat of a slow drum.  She was completely overwhelmed as it seemed that every single endorphin she had flooded her body and his too as his motions and muffled moans grew to maximum intensity.  His lips fell against her shoulder blade and muted the sound of the ecstasy she’d bought out of him.  When they finished he slowly backed away from her in disbelief of what’d happened.   Rocky noticed the apparent guilt and just gave him a doe eyed innocent look.  Neither of them spoke any words.  

  What just happened, she thought to herself as reality and the gravity of what they’d done struck her.  She moved and dressed herself, but she did so with a look of shock plastered on her face.  She never even took her eyes off him, while she slid back into her panties, pulled her skirt down, and fastened the buttons on her dress blues shirt.  Their gazes were affixed on each other and neither of them knew what to say. 

  Watching him get dressed and adjusting her clothes she couldn’t help but feel a little dirty.  Not a bad dirty, a good dirty.  So a sexy smile crossed her face and he reciprocated it.  He insisted she leave though because her sexy grin made him want more of her.  As she finished dressing herself, he looked her over and was riddled with urges and desire.  She so looked the part of a charming and charismatic young woman.  But underneath her charm and always polished and impeccable uniform, she was a bonafide bad girl and he loved it.   He would have to have more of her.  He craved her, but she had to leave or the next thing knocking at his door wouldn’t have been their bodies, it would be trouble.